As a service to our audience, we have arranged with an independent bus company to provide a special route from Boro Park, Williamsburg, Monsey and Monroe to the AKIVA shows. The bus tickets are being sold separately from the event tickets, as we are merely arranging for the bus company to provide buses as a benefit to our customers.

Tickets for transportation will no longer be sold after April 19th 2024

Please note: Each show has a unique link to purchase bus tickets for that show and departure location only. You must click only on the link for the specific date, time, and departure for the show you wish to attend. Bus tickets for each show are different and are not interchangeable. Unfortunately, drivers will not be able to accept a ticket if it's labeled for a different show (even the same day) or if labeled as leaving from a different location.

Tickets are being sold for $29 (round trip). All purchases are final.

Boro Park Pickup Location: 14th Ave. Between 52nd & 53rd St.
Williamsburg Pickup Location: Lee Ave. Above the Highway
Monsey Pickup Location: Maple Ave Cor. 306 (at the bus stop)
Monroe Pickup Location: Park & Ride on Bakertown Road.
Lakewood Pickup Location: Todd Plaza, 1091 River Ave.

For additional information or for any questions, email us at